
海外来料 2024-04-13 04:02:09 42 上一篇下一篇

本文由海外专家Free Super Tips@FootySuperTips独家放送:
  • 在南安普顿的七场比赛中,两支球队都取得了胜利;s最近八场锦标赛主场比赛
  • 沃特福德在过去九场冠军赛中有八场未能获胜


预言: 南安普顿和两队得分


  • Both teams to score has been a winning bet in seven of Southampton’s last eight Championship home games
  • Watford have failed to win eight of their last nine Championship games

Southampton are still hoping to close the gap on the top three in the Championship and should get three more points to boost their bid against mid-table Watford. The Hornets are coming off a pair of goalless draws, but this should be a higher-scoring contest with Saints coming out on top.

Predictions:Southampton and Both Teams To Score


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