[海外]赛事分析预测:Gillingham vs Barrow预测

海外来料 2024-04-12 21:58:40 17 上一篇下一篇

本文由海外专家Free Super Tips@FootySuperTips独家放送:
  • 吉林厄姆本赛季赢得了五场英乙主场比赛,没有失球
  • 吉林厄姆在英乙联赛中连续五场主场比赛进球不到三球


预言: 2.5以下比赛目标


  • Gillingham have won five League Two home games this season without conceding
  • Gillingham have played five home games in a row in League Two with fewer than three goals

Barrow’s recent away record leaves plenty to be desired, they are winless from their last seven road trips but it’s hard to fancy Gillingham either, who have hardly set the world alight in recent weeks. The hosts’ last five home games have gone under 2.5 goals and a repeat of that is the pick.

Predictions:Under 2.5 Match Goals


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