
海外来料 2024-03-19 01:25:34 65 上一篇下一篇

本文由海外专家Simon Barlow独家放送:
  • 乌克兰队在最近三场2024年欧洲杯预选赛客场比赛中赢得了两场,尽管他们在C组的比赛都没有在主场进行
  • 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那在过去九场预选赛中输掉了七场,在那场比赛中仅两次击败列支敦士登
  • 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那在过去九场预选赛中有六场丢了两个或更多球


乌克兰有太多的能力和动力在周四被一支普通的波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那球队阻止晋级;我们的附加赛半决赛。 去年11月,Serhiy Rebrov’;s的球队在0-0战平意大利的比赛中不幸没有在第89分钟获得点球,如果换成点球,他们将在蓝衣军团自动晋级决赛;的费用。在一场军事冲突肆虐他们的国家并迫使球队全力以赴的战役中,兹比尔纳甚至取得了如此接近的成绩,这是一个了不起的成就;主页’;其他地方的游戏。 雷布罗夫已经将一群才华横溢的人组成了一个坚实的团队,如果他们能够晋级德国的后阶段,他们将有真正的前景。


相比之下,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那将在那里弥补这些数字。龙队之所以能进入附加赛,很大程度上要归功于他们近两年前在国家B联赛中的胜利;埃丁·哲科只有36岁,米拉姆·普贾尼奇在31岁时更接近巅峰。 这对上了年纪的二人组仍然是萨沃·米洛舍维奇的关键球员,他在黄金一代结束时,在下一代真正扎根之前接管了球队。球队在预选赛中表现不佳,在过去九场比赛中输掉了七场,仅在主场以2-1险胜地位低下的列支敦士登队。 他们能够击败乌克兰队,甚至阻止客队进球,这似乎几乎是不可思议的,尽管米洛舍维奇有一组半像样的后卫可供他使用。乌克兰’;s的*足以让他们在90分钟内获胜;他们有着出色的心态和足够的实力,能够在对阵倒霉的东道主时进两个或更多球。

预言: 乌克兰获胜


  • Ukraine won two of their last three away Euro 2024 qualifiers, although none of their games in Group C were played at home
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina lost seven of their last nine qualifiers, only managing to beat Liechtenstein twice during that run
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina conceded two or more goals in six of their last nine qualifiers

Back Zbirna to slay the Dragons 

Ukraine have too much ability and motivation to be prevented from qualifying by an ordinary Bosnia-Herzegovina side in Thursday’s play-off semi-final. Last November, Serhiy Rebrov’s side were unlucky not to be awarded an 89th-minute penalty in their 0-0 draw against Italy that, if converted, would have seen them through in the finals automatically at the Azzurri’s expense. It was a remarkable achievement for Zbirna to even come that close during a campaign where a military conflict ravaged their country and forced the team to play all their ‘home’ games elsewhere. Rebrov has harnessed a talented group of individuals into a solid unit with real prospects of making the latter stages in Germany if they make it through.

Dragons duo are too long in the tooth

In contrast, Bosnia-Herzegovina would be there to make up the numbers. The Dragons are in the play-offs largely thanks to their Nations League B winning campaign of almost two years ago – when Edin Dzeko was only 36 and Miralem Pjanic was closer to his peak at 31. The aging duo remain key players for Savo Milosevic, who has taken over at the end of a golden generation and before the next one has properly taken root. The squad did not gel during the qualifying programme, losing seven of their last nine games and only managing a narrow 2-1 home win over lowly Liechtenstein. It seems almost inconceivable that they can beat Ukraine or even stop the visitors from scoring, despite Milosevic having a half-decent set of defenders at his disposal. Ukraine’s odds are good enough to take them to win in 90 minutes – they have a superb mentality and enough quality to score two or more goals against the hapless hosts.

Predictions:Ukraine to Win
Ukraine 2-1


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