
易红单 2022-11-02 17:06:12 127 上一篇下一篇

Juventus has not pleased many with its season, either in terms of efforts in Serie A or in the Champions League. In Italy, they are in 7th position, which considering how they play, is not such a bad position. Coach Massimo Allegri should have been fired a long time ago, but for some reason, no one does it, probably because of the big contract he has. In the Champions League, Juventus are already eliminated, after the disastrous result line 1-0-4. Now it's about not falling for an even bigger spectacular failure than they already did, by squabbling away 3rd place (which gives play in the Europa League) by standing for a weak result here while Maccabi Haifa achieves a good result against Benfica. Juve and the Israelis both stand on 3 points, and since it is completely even between the teams in terms of head-to-head meetings, it is the goal difference that determines whether the teams end up on the same point. Right now, Juventus has a six-goal better goal difference than Maccabi Haifa. PSG may be ready for the round of 16, but still have things to play for. The team is fighting for first place against Benfica, and here too it is totally even in head-to-head meetings. A four-goal better goal difference than Benfica gives some breathing room, but it is important not to let the Portuguese take more points against Maccabi Haifa than they do against Juventus. Lots of prerequisites in the form of standings, points and goal difference now. As for the match Juventus - PSG, it must be said that Juventus is missing about half a dozen important players. Angel Di Maria, Paul Pogba, Bremer, Leandro Paredes, Mattia De Sciglio, Federico Chiesa and Danilo are all unavailable. PSG are only missing Danilo Pereira and Neymar. Right now there is a big difference in quality of these two teams, for Juventus it is better not to play any European competitions and to focus on Serie A. PSG will surely attack from the first minute and I think that in the end they will manage to outscore Juventus. Neymar will not play, but even without him, Lionel Messi and Kylian Mbappe in attack should be enough for PSG to win and advance as the first from the group.


尤文图斯本赛季的表现并没有让很多人满意,无论是在意甲还是在欧冠。在意大利,他们排在第7位,考虑到他们的表现,这不是一个糟糕的位置。阿莱格里(Massimo Allegri)教练早就应该被解雇了,但出于某种原因,没有人这么做,可能是因为他有一份大合同。在欧冠赛场上,尤文图斯在1-0-4的惨败后已经被淘汰。现在他们要做的是不要陷入比他们已经经历过的更大的失败,不要争抢第三名(这是在欧联杯中发挥作用的地方),不要在海法马卡比对阵本菲卡时取得好成绩的情况下,在这里表现不佳。尤文和以色列都积了3分,由于两队在正面交锋方面的比分完全持平,因此决定两队能否取得同分的是净胜球的差距。现在,尤文图斯的净胜球比海法马卡比高出6球。巴黎圣日耳曼也许已经为16强做好了准备,但仍然有很多东西要去争取。球队正在与本菲卡争夺第一名,在这里也完全是在正面交锋。净胜球比本菲卡多了4球,这给了他们喘息的空间,但重要的是不能让葡萄牙人在对阵海法马卡比的比赛中比在对阵尤文图斯的比赛中拿到更多的积分。在积分榜、积分和净胜球上有很多先决条件。至于尤文图斯对巴黎圣日耳曼的比赛,不得不说尤文图斯失去了大约6名重要球员。迪玛利亚、博格巴、布雷默、帕雷德斯、德西格利奥、基耶萨和达尼洛都无法上场。巴黎圣日耳曼只缺佩雷拉和内马尔。现在这两支球队的实力有很大的差异,对于尤文图斯来说最好不要参加任何欧洲比赛,专注于意甲。巴黎圣日尔曼肯定会从第一分钟就开始进攻,我认为他们最终会战胜尤文图斯。内马尔不会参加比赛,但即使没有他,进攻端梅西和姆巴佩也足以让巴黎圣日耳曼以小组第一的身份赢得比赛并出线。


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